Survey of Noncombustible and Bulky Waste Generation by the Use of Video Recording

Toshihiko Matsuto, Nobutoshi Tanaka, Takayuki Matsuo, Masanori Kobari* and Keiichi Koyama

(Dept. of Sanitary & Environmental Engineering, Hokkaido University *Hitachi Ltd.)


Since information on the quantity and quality of waste is crucially important in the waste management planning, efficient survey methods are required. The authors employed a VCR (video cassette recorder) in a survey of noncombustible and bulky waste. The survey was carried out in a specified residential test area in Sapporo over a period of one year. Waste items are categorized into six groups. In the survey the number of disposed-of waste items are counted, so a separate survey was also carried out to determine the weight of every item. For determination of amounts collected, the margin of error in a truck is less than 10%. The seasonal generation pattern is discussed for three types of residence. Though increases of waste in springtime, autumn, and December are seen in all three, their timing and magnitude differ.

Key words: video recording, noncombustible and bulky waste, waste generation, seasonal variation, residence type