The Age of Recycling Activities as a Culture

Shin-ichi Koizumi

(President of Assoiciation for Recycling Policy and Management)


There are four important steps to drive forward recycling activities. The first step is "understanding" . We have to be more concerned with resource recycling and understand it. "Planning" is the second. We have to think about venous-system of our society and plan it. Resource recycling does this. The Third is "spreading" . We have to arrange several kinds of recycling events and spead recycling as a culture by word of mouth. The fourth is "normalizing" . We have to normalize venous-system industries after these steps. This paper is mainly on the second step, "Planning" , and is also my foot-steps. One of my keywords has been "Waste is one of our properties" for 20 years.

Key words: venous-system, resource recycling