Residential Solid Waste Generation and Recycling in the U.S.A. and Japan

Toshihiko Matsuto*, Robert K. Ham**

(*Instructor, Department of Environmental and Sanitary Eng., Hokkaido University **Proffessor, University of Wisconsin, U.S.A)


The generation rates of each residential solid waste component was determined for test areas in the U.S.A. and Japan. To keep the results consistent; single family dwelling areas in Madison (U.S.A.) and Sapporo (Japan), which have similar characteristics, were selected as test areas; the same survey methods were employed in both cities; all waste material from households, including recycled material, was estimated. The average person in Madison was found to produce twice the amount of paper waste, half the amount of food waste but approximately the same quantity of total residential waste (other than yard waste) as in Sapporo.

Key words: residential solid waste, waste generation rate, single family dwelling, recycling, USA and Japan.