Waste Treatment Technology Expected to be Developed and Promoted before 21th Century


(Professor, Chiba Institute of Technology)


The levels of technologies available at present in the field of solid waste treatement in Japan except landfill technology are discussed on the following items, 1) waste collection 2) separation technology 3) incineration technology 4) exhaust gas cooling and waste heat utilization technology 5) exhaust gas and waste water treatment technology 6) ash solidification technology.

Considering the result of these dicussion and the situation of waste treatment administration in Japan, most recommendable treatment technologies which should be developed and promoted before the beginning of the next century are proposed on the following items, 1) waste collection system 2) recovery and separation of reuseable substances 3) development of perfect incinerators 4) exhaustgas treatment facilities 5) ash solidification technology 6) promotion of power generation and heat utilization.

Key words: solid waste treatment, present technology level, future technology, technology development