Dioxin Control in Existing MSW Incineration Plant

Masakatsu Hiraoka*1, Nobuo Takeda*1, Shin-ichi Sakai*2, Akira Kaneda*3, Sadahiko Ohga*3, Michinobu Segawa*3, Hajime Tejima*4, Masahide Nisigaki*4, and Yoshihiro Hayata*4

*1 Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
*2 Environment Preservation Center, Kyoto University
*3 The Sanitation Bureau, Kyoto Municipal Government
*4 Takuma Co., Ltd

+ Correspordence should be adressed to Yoshihoro Hayata :
Design Dept., Environment Division, Takuma Co., Ltd.
(3-23, Dojimahama 1-chome, kita-ku, Osaka 530 Japan)


The importance of gas mixing in combustion chamber was demonstrated by the renovation of an existing municipal solid waste incinerator. The modification of the furnace configuration and the improvement in the supply of the secondary air allowed the reduction of carbon monoxide concentration and dioxin levels to a great extent. In addition, the automatic combustion control system and the reduction of ESP temperature by the gas cooling system provided for further reduction in dioxin emission levels, by approximately 1/10 compared with before renovation.

Key words: MSW incineration, PCDD/Fs control, renovation, furance configuration, combustion control