Amendment of the Waste Disposal Law --Establishment of Proper Waste Disposal Systems--

Shigeru Ando

Waste Management Division, Water Supply and Environment Department, Ministry of Health and Welfare
(2-2, Kasumigaseki 1-Chome, Chiyodaku, Tokyo 100-45 Japan)


In Japan where land is limited and used intensely, the conventional disposal policy was, in principle, to burn and bury waste partly due to difficulty in purchasing land suitable for final disposai sites. However, the current waste disposal systems have been gradually unable to cope with discharged waste, with this increasing volume and changing quality in recent years. To establish proper waste disposal systems, understanding among people in various fields and their active participation are needed to achieve solutions. In March 1991, the Ministry of Health and Welfare presented "A Bill to Amend a Portion of the Waste Disposal Law and the Emergency Measures Law for Improving Waste Disposal Facilities" , to promote measures against waste problems corresponding to the needs of the era. The amendment bill was enacted in October 1991. This report describes the present sitution of waste disposal and the outline of the amended Waste Disposal Law.

Key words: restrictions on the volume of waste discharged, separate collection of waste, recycling, waste under special special control, manifest system