Recent Trend and Technical Problems on Final Disposal Site

Masataka Hanashima

Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Fukuoka University
(8-19-1, Nanakuma, Jonan-ku, Fukuoka 814-01 Japan)


From the beginning of the Edo period (1690-1868), wastes have been utilized in reclaiming land. With the development of Japan's economy since the beginning of 1960, the waste disposal problem has become more serious, and due to public resistance it has been difficult to obtain landfill sites. In response to this the Government drew up technical standards for the construction of disposal sites in 1977 and this was revised in 1989. Some problems such as the shortage of space and landscape, however, cannot properly be resolved by these standards. To countermeasure these problems, the recent trend has been to fully develop the landfill sites, complete with parks, sports facilities, etc., and to cover the landfill site before filling. In this paper the more recent problem of seepage control and it's countermeasures are discussed.

Key words: final disposal site, closed system disposal site, seepage control work, leachate collection facility