The Disposal Problems of Waste Generated in Large Amounts Current Conditions and Problems related to Disposal of Construction Waste and Construction Soil

Shunsuke Aoyama

President, EX Corporation
(1-4-15, Takadanobaba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169 Japan)


In Japan, disposal of construction waste is a serious problem in terms of both its huge quantity and the inappropriateness of current disposal proctices. Construction soil (soil excavated as a result of construction of buildings, roads and other structures) is generated in large amounts, almost equivalent to worrisome amounts of industrial waste. Construction soil may potentially cause the devastation of Japan's land.

This report defines that both construction waste and construction soil can be categorized as waste generated in bulk quantity, provides a description of the current conditions with respect to the generation and disposal of these wastes, and attempts to analyze structural problems related to these wastes. According to the Japanese law, construction soil is not waste.

Key words: construction by-products, mixed construction waste, construction sludge, reuse, construction soil receiving places