Post-Closure Control of Landfill Sites and Prevention of Environmental Pollution

Masaaki Kinoshita

Director of Office of Marine Pollution and Waste Management Control, Environment Agency
(1-2-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 Japan)


Post-closure control of landfill sites is a very important issue in the prevent is not environmental degradation to the surrounding environment for examde, the soil, groundwater and air from landfill sites. From this point of view, the Environment Agency has carried out 5 years study under the advise of the technical committee from 1987. From this study, some knowledge about three issues: long term monitoring measures of landfill sites, how to check closure of landfill sites and how to assess the developing plans of closedsites. The study proposed desirable guidelines to the agency for its adoption. Further study or discussion about appropriate management and feasible technology is necessary to promote better management for landfill sites, and institutional study is required to determine who should cover the clean-up cost of landfill sites.

Key words: post-closure control, manual for long term monitoring, guideline for landfill site development