Enforcement of the Amended Waste Disposal Law and Other New Laws

Masahiro Fujiwara

Water Supply and Environment Department, Ministry of Health and Welfare
(1-2-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-45 Japan)


In Japan, the disposal of wastes is conducted under the "Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing Law" . Due to the difficulties to solve the current waste problem, it has been made efforts to establish the new laws and systems. At first, the Waste Disposal Law was amended after 20 years in October 1991 and enforced in July 1992, "The Law for the Promotion of Establishment of the Specified Industrial Wastes Treatment Facilities" was promulgated in May 1992 and enforced in September 1992. To face the international waste ploblem, "The Law for the Control of Export, Import and Others of Specified Hazardous Wastes and Other Wastes" and Amendament of the Waste Disposal Law were promulgated in December 1992. The outlines of these laws are described in this report.

Key words: reduction of wastes, appropriate disposal, industrial wastes treatment facilities, basel convention, export and import of wastes