The Properties of Fly Ash from the Viewpoint of Product Life Cycle
--The Origin and Behavior of Lead & Cadmium in MSW Incineration--

Kazuo Nakamura

Chief of Environmental Investigation, Waste Control Division of Sanitation Bureau, Kyoto Municipal Goverment
(Teramachi Oike, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604 Japan)


The Amendment of the Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing Law has introduced new regulation of wastes for which strict management is necessary. In this regulation, the fly ash generated in the process of MSW incineration was designated as specially controlled solid waste, because of relative highlevel concentrations of lead and cadmium. Thus, in order to understand where the problems lie, the behaviors of these heavy metals in MSW Incineration are described. Also, what kind of products cause the fly ash to be contaminated, is described in this paper. Finally, several measures which will be helpful in solving these problems are introduced to discuss the future direction of environmentally-friendly social systems.

Key words: fly ash, lead, cadmium, product life cycle