Private Sector to Support the Public
--In the Case of Social Policies to Waste Problems--

Katsumi Yorimoto

School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda Unirersity
(1-6-1 Nishi Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-50 Japan)


The waste problem is no doubt a typical public problem. However, all of being public should neither lead to governmental responsibiity, nor be controlled by public bureaucrats. The "Public" must be partly supported and its policies must be initiated and carried out by the private sector. The public in this case may be called "the private public" . In the private sector, there are two entities-citizens (including various organizations) and private corporations. Social contribution by the latter and so called "corporate citizen" has become a matter of social concern, as is cooperation by three other entities-citizens, corporations, and governments. How can companies respond to this new movement and its expectations?

Key words: waste problems, public policies, private sector, private corporation, cooperation