Soil Washing as an Economical Pre-Treatment Process

Yasuji Okita*, Katsuhiko Ito**, Shigetaka Suzuki*** and Hiroaki Kubo****

*Konoike Construction Co., Ltd., Manager of R and D Section
**Konoike Construction Co., Ltd., General Manager of Civil Engineering
***Chemical Grouting Co., Ltd., Assistant Manager of Technical Director
****Chemical Grouting Co., Ltd., Director

+ Correspondence should be addressed to Yasuji Okita:
Konoike Construction Co., Ltd.
(2-3-11, Surugadai Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101 Japan)


The Soil Washing Process was introduced with other innovative technologies in the SITE Program. In Europe and America, the Soil Washing Process was completely established as standard process, which had been used for decades in the mining business. This process is based on the relation between soil matrix and contaminant species, and it is an economical pretreatment for sophisticated treatment processes. It could be used on a very wide range of contaminant species, including heavy metals, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and so on.

Key words: hazardous waste, clean-up, soil washing, SITE program