Trends in Countermeasures Against Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste

Satoru Morishita

Govermental Official
(1-2-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 Japan)


To tackle the transboudary movements of hazardus waste, the Basel Convention was adapted in 1989. To implement the Basel Convention etc., the Law for the Control of Export, Import & Others of Specified Hazardaus Wastes and Other Wastes came into effect in December, 1993. The trend in policy concering transboundary movement of hazardous waste is that hazardous wastes shorld be disposed of in the country which generated them.

There is a growing need for introduction of clean technology to reduace the amout of hazardous generated wastes as well as to ensure their environmentally sound treatment.

Key words: hazardous waste, transboundary movement, the Basel Convention