
Kenji Fujita

Professor, University of Tokyo
(7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113 Japan)


The article describes how to plan, design, operate and manage a composting plant. It is emphasized that in order to lead the composting project to success, the composting plant shall be considered not as a treatment plant but as a manufacturing plant. Particularly in the case of the MSW treatment project, it shall be placed at a position of sub-plant. It is also important for planning to use better quality raw materials and to estimate the correct demand of compost after plant operation. As for the plant design, how to choose and design the main digester, post digester, segregation machines, pulverizers and deodorizing equipments is explained. For the plant operation, monitor items and control methods of composting process are described. The regulations about compost qualities are also introduced. Finally, the author mentions several problems concerning composting plant management based on recent investigations.

Key words: composting, planning of composting plant, designing of composting plant, operation of composting plant