Characteristics of the Continuous HCl Analyzer in Municipal Incinerators

Noboru Tanikawa* and Kohei Urano**

*Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute for Public Cleansing
**Laboratory of Safety and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University

+ Correspondence should be addressed to Noboru Tanikawa:
(3, Yumenoshima, Koto-ku, Tokyo 136 Japan)


An ion electrode type HCl analyzer was compared through analysis accuracy with the silver nitrate titration method. Reasons for the difference between HCl concentration measured by the HCl analyzer and the silver nitrate titration method were estimated as follows: The flow rate of gas and absorption solution were slightly varied; the volume of the absorption solution changed with H2O condensation from the flue gas in the HCl analyzer; there was absorption loss of CO2 into the absorption solution and large dispersion in the silver nitrate titration method. Because the used solution for absorption of the HCl analyzer contained Hg, it was necesary to remove Hg from used the waste liquid.

Key words: HCl analyzer, ion electrode, silver nitrate titration, municipal incinerator