Waste Control and Recycling in Waste Planning

Mitsuyoshi Nishikawa* and Kozo Baba**

*Managing Director, KANKYOUGIKEN CONSULTANT Co., Ltd.
**Director, SYSTEM CRAFT Co., Ltd.

+ Correspondence should be addressed to Mitsuyoshi Nishikawa:
(CIB 6F, 17-3, Asahi-Cho, Chuoku, Chiba 260 Japan)


Waste control and recycling planning aim to reduce waste and make the best use of available resources. Waste treatment and disposal planning aimto manage waste properly and protect the environment. Both of these have become important issues for waste planning. Waste treatment and disposal planning deal with waste after recycling and reduction. Therefore, waste control and recycling planning should be carried out first. Waste control and recycling planning consists of 4 sub-systems, i.e., (1) waste control (reduction), (2) recycling, (3) plant design and (4) information management. This plan requires consensus and cooperation among residents, producer and distributors, and local administration. In order to make the optimum system for a region, the plan should be carried out step by step. If there are any unsatis-factory points, they should be fed back to the master plan for review. This flow is important.

This type of waste control and recycling planning have just begun, so there are many problems to be solved.

Key words: waste control and recycling