Control of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) and Trends in Recovery, Recycling and Destruction of ODS

Masakatsu Hiraoka

Head, Institute of Systems Engineering Research for Global Environment (ISERGE), Emeritus Professor of Kyoto University
(17 Chudoujiminami-machi Simogyou-ku Kyoto 600 Japan, Kyoto Reseach Park)


Control of ODS has been a controversial issue as a global environmental problem since the accelerated phase-out of ODS (CFC, CC14, Halons etc.) by the beginning of 1996 was decided at the fourth meeting of Protocol Parties in November, 1992. Amendment of Law for Protection of Ozone Layer, limitation of production, adoption of substitute substance for CFC, and recovery, recycling and destruction of ODS have been carried out as control measures of ODS in our country. This report describes several problems concerning the regulation and control action for ODS, and recovery, recycling, and destruction of ODS.

Key words: ozone layen, CFC, recovery, recycling, destruction