Product Assessment of Package Materials/Vessels for Food Production

Yukihiro Sano

Former General Manager Environment Dept. Ajinomoto Co., Inc.
(1-15-1, Kyobashi Chuoku Tokyo, 104 Japan)


Regarding product assessment which is practically used in industry in Japan, we have developed and implemented an "Eco-Index" system: a practical and relative evaluation method of package materials and vessels for food production. Here, we introduce the "Eco-Index" system by mentioning the following 4 aspects of the system. 1. The method of application of the "Eco-Index" system in our company. 2. The evaluation categories of the "Eco-Index" system. a) Degree of conservation of natural resources. b) Level of efficiency and effectiveness of material usage. c) Appropriateness of used materials to scrap. d) Labelling of useful information about environmental conservation; and six other categories. 3. The evaluation method of the "Eco-Index" system. (Establishment of the standards for evaluation and a 3-step evaluation method) 4. Examples of improvements in package materials and vessels for food production as a result of implementing the "Eco-Index" system.

Key words: product assessment, development of "eco-index" system, examples of improvements in food package