Flame Jet Engineering and Its Application for Processing and Recovery of Waste

Sohei Shimada

Dr. Associate Prof. Dept. of Geosystem Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
(7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113 Japan)


The author has engaged in the development of the jet burner, the grinding of minerals and rocks, and the development of a melting-cutting system for concrete structures by using the jet burner. The jet burner is a machine which can break, cut, crush, disintegrate and dry materials by the flame jet. The flame jet is generated in a combustion chamber by burning fuel and oxidizer. This burner is applicable for drying and disintegrating many kinds of sludges and wastes with very high water content. As the processed materials are recovered as dry powder, they are easy to reuse. This paper summarizes the application of the Flame Jet Engineering to waste recycling by using the jet burner. The characteristics of the processing system, those of recycled materials and some experimental results are reported.

Key words: flame jet, waste, processing, resource recovery, drying, disintegration