Recycling of Paper Resources and Paper Waste Treatment
--Preliminary Resources, Cost and Energy Analysis of Waste Paper Recycling--

Shinsuke Morisawa*, Takeshi Hasegawa** and Yoriteru Inoue***

* Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, Professor
** School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Master Course Student
*** Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, Professor

+ Correspondence should be addressed to Shinsuke Morisawa:
(Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-01 Japan)


Dynamic performance of paper resources in their lifecycles in Japan was evaluated by the previously presented mathematical model. Pulpwood resources, energy and cost, which are required for production and recycling of paper, paperwaste treatment, waste heat recovery and so on, were analysed to estimate the possible change from the present state in pulpwood consumption, in energy balance and in cost burden due to the promotion of wastepaper recycling. The main results obtained under the limits considered can be summarized as follows: (1) The trade-off between energy (waste heat) recovery and mass (wastepaper) recovery is possible but has no practical role at present due to today's low waste heat recovery level. (2) The cost burden pattern between the paper production sector and the paperwaste treatment sector depends on the wastepaper price and its collection cost. (3) Introduction of cost sharing policies between two sectors may give economic incentives to promote wastepaper recycling.

Key words: paper resources, lifecycles analysis, recycle, energy analysis, cost analysis