Purification Mechanism by Activated Cover Soil and New Waste Disposal System

Yasushi Matsufuji

Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Fukuoka University
(8-19-1 Nanakuma, Johnan-ku, Fukuoka 814-80 Japan)


The author discusses the concept of "Landfill Type" and the biodegradation processes of solid waste in semiaerobic and recirculatory semiaerobic landfill types in order to explain the role of bacteria in landfill sites. It becomes clear that the landfill site is an artificial container with a bioreactor. Because the composition of landfilled wastes is changing, the function of "DEPOSIT" which means storage, safekeeping and stock is required of landfill sites recently. The author developed a new landfill system, which combines the recirculatory semiaerobic landfill type and a cover soil mixed with charcoal, which is called "Activated Cover Soil". From the experimental data, a result which supports the assumption was obtained. The author proposes the new disposal system of solid wastes, "Depo-Land", which means Deposit Landfill with ABC (Adsorption, Bioreactor and Clean-up) system.

Key words: landfill type, bacteria, activated cover soil, bioreactor, depo-land