Disposal Strategies for Solid Waste from Large-Scale Disasters
--In Light of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake--

Katsuya Nagata

Waseda University
(3-4-1, Ohkubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169 Japan)


The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake which happened in January gave rise to large amounts of solid waste including broken houses and buildings.

In this paper, strategy issues for the disposal of the waste generated from large-scale earthquake disasters is discussed. In light of this earthquake, items reflected in future city planning are pointed out and a broad support system is proposed with reference to the Peer Match program in the United States.

Large solid waste incinerators ought to be employed as independent power plants. From this viewpoint, fuel and water stocks are compared in two plants.

Scrapping procedures for houses and buildings in Kobe city are also described and a transportation system for the waste from large disasters is considered.

Key words: earthquake, city planning, Peer Match program, power generation in the waste incineration, urgent disposal facility