Disaster and Waste Problems --Per Unit Generation of the Disaster Waste and the Composition Changes of Municipal Solid Waste--

Hiroshi Takatsuki*, Shin-ichi Sakai* and Satoshi Mizutani*

* Environment Preservation Center, Kyoto University

+ Correspondence should be addressed to Hiroshi Takatsuki:
(Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-city, 606-01, Japan)


Field studies on per unit generation of the demolition waste and the change of composition of municipal solid waste have been done in Kobe and the Hanshin area. Per unit generation is determined by weight and volume basis. The volume unit generation is much larger than the values that have been reported before. This may be the result of not having enough classifications for the demolition waste. The amount of foaming plastics, PET-bottles and aerosolcans with combustible gas in municipal solid waste increased rapidly after the earthquake. This is originated by the disconnection of public services for gas and water supply. A half of the total aerosolcans with gases have no hole to leak the remaining gas.

Key words: earthquake, demolition waste, per unit generation waste, composition of municipal solid waste, aerosolcan