Kirin's Packaging Policies: for Today and the Future

Isao Iwata

General Manager, Environmental and Consumer Affairs Dept.
(2-10-1 Shinkawa, Chuoku, Tokyo 104 Japan)


Based on environmental voluntary guidelines for Kirin Group, we have been trying to minimize packaging wastes generatcd after the consumption of our products. A lighter refillable bottle is a good example of our attempts. We put much importance on the following two characteristics of the new packaging waste law: (1)to identify shared responsibility among consumers, municipalities and industries, (2)to encourage all packaging wastes for recycling. Now we need to develop an appropriate market for secondary resources and to minimize the "social cost" for disposal and recycling. It is unavoidable that a recycling plan for packaging wastes is carried out, exclusive of household wastes, which aren't mentioned in the new law.

Key words: bevarage container, commercial waste, packages, refillable bottle, recycling