Risk Reduction of Municipal Solid Waste Management System After Severe Water Disaster

Shinsuke Morisawa*, Sayoko Tanaka** and Yoriteru Inoue***

* Res. Center for Environ. Quality Control, Kyoto Univ.
** Nihon-koei Co., Ltd.
*** Dept. of Environ. & Sanit. Eng., Kyoto Univ.

+ Correspondence should be addressed to Shinsuke Morisawa:
(Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyoku, Kyoto-city, 606-01, Japan)


A mathematical model was developed to estimate the dynamic performance of solid waste in the Nagasaki Water Disaster, where a large amount of disaster solid waste was generated and waste treatment facilities were both directly and indirectly damaged. To evaluate the effectiveness of each option, numerical simulations of solid waste flow/stock were tried for both cases when the waste treatment option was practised and when it was not. Main results obtained in this study can be summarized as follows:

(1) The mathematical model proposed in this study is promising to estimate the dynamic performance of solid waste in a waste management system, even when some processes of the system are damaged. (2) Increase of waste transportation capacity and temporal waste storage sites are effective in reducing waste accumulation at its generation site. However, open incineration is not effective among several options practised. (3) Increase of waste treatment and transportation capacity can be most effective when their capacity is balanced among each process in the solid waste management system.

Key words: disaster waste, waste management, system risk, mathematical model, risk reduction