Current Bibliographies in Medical Waste Management and Future Research Directions

Shiro Shirato

Professor Emeritus, Kanagawa Prefectural College of Nursing and Medical Technology
Research Director, Medical Wastes Research Association
(2-2-5, Ryousei, Ayase-shi 252, Japan)


This article provides a brief review of the current bibliographies concerning medical waste. All 536 bibliographies were arranged into 3 parts and 41 fields. Part 1 covers Governmental Regulations and Guidance, Current Practices in Foreign Countries, Economic Aspects, Overview of Medical Waste Management, Sharps Injury, Infection Control, Chemical Hazards, Radioactive Waste Control, Educational Aspects, and others.

Part 2 covers General Hospital, Physician's Office, Dialysis Clinic, Geriatric Hospital, Operation Room and Central Supply, Emergency Department, Blood Bank, Obstetrics, Dental Clinic, Clinical Laboratory and Autopsy Room, Pharmacy, Housekeeping, Home Care and others. Part 3 covers Collection, Segregation, Packaging, Transport, Incineration, Thermal Inactivation, Chemical Disinfection, Landfills, Beach Wash-ups, and others. Future research directions are summarized into three categories. The first is the Reconstruction of Sterilization Method, the second is the Environmental Impact of Cytotoxic Waste, and the last is Incineration Technology.

Key words: medical waste, sterilization method, cytotoxic waste, incineration