Analysis and Estimation of the Consumption of Goods Related to Waste Generation

Tomoya Omori* and Yutaka Terashima**

* Technical Official, Division of Environmental Affair Kyoto City
** Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Kyoto University

+ Correspondence should be addressed to Yutaka Terashima:
(Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyoku Kyoto 606-01 Japan)


In order to estimate and control waste generation, its processes must be investigated at their origins. In the case of municipal wastes, the major generating sector is the whole of households, which generate solid wastes through consumption of household goods. In this research, the consumption of household goods was analysed based on related reported statistical data. Among many households characteristics, "yearly income" , "number of household members" and "age of household head" were found to affect consumption significantly. As the function of these three characteristics, equations for estimating consumption were formulated for each category of household goods. And these equations could estimate consumption reasonably, although there are some uncertainties associated with the statistical data.

Key words: municipal waste, goods, consumption, waste generation, prediction