Technical Evaluation of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF)

Yoshiro Nabeshima

Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Tamagawa University
(6-1-1, Tamagawagakuen, Machida City, Tokyo 194 Japan)


Recently, due to a rapid increase in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generation and a shortage of final landfill sites here in Japan, the volume reduction of MSW is a very important subject for environmental preservation. For this situation, the RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) process has been acknowledged for its volume reduction and as one of the storable energy recovery process. In this paper, the MSW disposal situation in Japan, the history of the development of RDF (in Japan and abroad), and RDF manufacturing processes including various sub-systems, are introduced. The technical evaluations of RDF are also described as follows: Composition of separately collected MSW Pretreatment equipment Pelletizing equipment

Examples of RDF manufacturing processes Combustion technology of RDF Quality and use of RDF Calorific value of RDF Upscaling of RDF manufacturing plant

Key words: municipal solid waste, refuse derived fuel, RDF manufacturing system, separately collected refuse, pellet RDF