Practical Use and Future Topics Concerning RDF Technology for Municipal Solid Waste Management

Tsukasa Kagiya

Parmanent Director, Environmental Planning Center
(14 Kawara, Yoshida, Sakyo, Kyoto 606 Japan)


This paper highlights both disposal and recycling of municipal solid waste in Japan. It also shows some facility operation examples for the main technology of refuse-derived-fuel. Moreover, it introduces the RDF combustion test and the results of measuring its degree of risk against the environment. In particular, it shows the characteristic of PCDD concentration in exhaust gas and it makes clear that there is less concentration in burning RDF than there is in burning just waste. Finally, this paper introduces the topics of procedures and national subsidies for establishing Refuse-Derived-Fuel System technologies at waste treatment facilities.

Key words: municipal solid waste, refuse-derived-fuel, establish, use of fuel, RDF combustion test