Studies on Proper Promotion of a Sea Area Final Disposal Site Project based on Economic Feasibility

Shigemori Takahama*, Tohru Furuichi** and Hiroshi Habara*

* FUKKEN Co., Ltd. (Consulting Engineers)
** Osaka Prefecture University, Department of Energy Systems Engineering

+ Correspondence should be addressed to Shigemori Takahama:
(2-10-11 Hikari, Higashi, Hiroshima 732 Japan)


An evaluation method for a project based on economic feasibility is proposed for the proper promotion of a sea area final disposal site project at the image-planning stage. The project simulation, based on economic feasibility, was conducted by referring to factors having a great influence on the evaluation process, and using the related information. The selected factors are: project methodology, scale of facility, acceptance ratio of waste types, unit cost of waste acceptance. As a result of the evaluation, It was made clear in this evaluation that there are several other combinations for the factors which make the project feasible, in spite of differences in project methodology. Accordingly, in studying conditions of economic feasibility at the image-planning stage, each factor should be adopted within an allowable range and with a certain degree of freedom. The project feasibility is then simultaneously evaluated by sensitivity analysis. This method has been found to be effective in evaluating an image plan of a sea area final disposal site on the basis of a simulation results analysis.

Key words: waste, sea area final disposal site, economic feasibility, proper promotion, planning