The History and Problems of the Leachate Test in Japan

Nobuo Awaji

Sancoh Consultants Co., Ltd.
(1-8-9 Kameido, Koto-ku, Tokyo 136 Japan)


When wastes are disposed in final landfill sites, they should be safe for the environment. Therefore, it is very important to access the safety of the stabilized and disposed wastes. In Japan, hazardous wastes and other substances is designated by law. If these substances leach from the final disposal sites into the environment, they will have serious effects. In judging the safety of the wastes and the effect of their treatment on the environment, there are guidelines enforced in 1973 by the Environment Agency: "The Determination of Hazardous Materials Contained in Industrial Wastes" (Notification No.13). This Notification has been revised more than ten times due to the additional designation of wastes, international trends etc. At the present stage, the Notification is the basis for getting criteria on the final disposal of wastes. This Notification will be revised again in the future according to changes in society and the national economy. Over 23 years have passed since the Notification was published and social conditions have changed greatly. It is therefore important to arrange details, of the Notification, as well as to report the results of questionnaires to the public laboratories and revise the leachate test, etc.

Key words: history of notification, study and discussion on the method of leachate test, questionnaires on leaching test