Collection and Transportation System to Promote Recycling of MSW

Masaru Tanaka

National Institute of Public Health
(4-6-1 Shiroganedai, Minato, Tokyo 108 Japan)


It is important to analyze a collection and transportation system when separate collection, recycling facilities, and/or wide-area disposal system are proposed to introduce in order to promote recycling MSW. The basic approach for MSW is (1) waste reduction, (2) promotion of recycling, (3) volume reduction by intermediate treatment, and (4) proper final disposal. Recycling-rate for MSW collected by local municipalities is only 4.4%. The ratio of waste treated for volume reduction is 85.6%. Cost for collection and transportation is 56%. Collection and transportation system should be improved by (1) quantitative analysis of existing system, (2) assessment of impact to convenience to citizen, cost, and environment, and (3) proposing new collection and transportation system.

Key words: municipal solid waste (MSW), collection and transportation, recycling, separate collection, packaging recycling law