Recent Management Systems of Hazardous Chemicals

Kohei Urano

Laboratory of Safety and Environmental Engineering, Yokohama National University
(79-5 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama 240 Japan)


Environmental management systems of hazardous chemicals are developed and extended internationally from Agenda 21 adopted at the Rio conference on environment and development. Especially in the Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (PRTR) of OECD, and the Environmental Management and Environment Audit of ISO are found important systems for self management of hazardous chemicals by companies. In Japan, it is necessary to take and adapt these systems as a means to gain trust in the international society. Leading local governments and companies have begun management of many hazardous chemicals voluntarily. In this paper, recent activities of international organizations, developed countries and Japan in the management of hazardous chemicals are introduced, and future direction is suggested.

Key words: Hazardous chemicals, Self management, PRTR, Environmental safety