Current Situation Concerning Government Activities Associated with Dioxins

Kuniaki Makiya

Environment Agency
(1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 Japan)


The environmental pollution caused in association with Dioxin has been one of the most pressing themes among environmental issues in Japan. Dioxin has been acknowledged as one of the most toxic chemicals, and it is also true that the toxicity differs widely among species. The quantitative risk assessment for dioxin is therefore necessary to build policies for risk reduction. To prevent adverse effects on human health which may be caused by dioxins produced in the incineration process and so forth, the government, including the Environment Agency and Ministry of Health and Welfare, have been strengthening their activities by conducting quantitative risk assessment and making efforts to construct a framework for the risk-based management that has been going on. The current situation of these activities is described.

Key words: dioxin, risk assessment, waste incineration, government policy, pollution control