Reduction of PCDDs/DFs Emission and Environmental Cycle Control

Shin-ichi Sakai

Kyoto University, Environment Preservation Center
(Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-01 Japan)


For persistent organic pollutants (POPs), which have properties including persistence, bio-accumulation, semi-volatility, and toxicity, global actions are required. This paper reports key points of the new guidelines for MSW management measures, established in January, 1997, summarizing basic issues concerning sources and environmental behavior of PCDDs/DFs, which are typical compounds of POPs. The guidelines are characterized as follows: (1) high technologies should be applied to curb the generation of PCDDs/DFs,(2) measures to shift the whole system, e.g., shifting to full-continuos-feed type or RDF facilities, are very important. (3) the new guidelines are expected to work as a social control unit in order to prevent the environmental accumulation of PCDDs/DFs through measures for residues, as well as a high technological waste gas treatment. The new guidelines especially concerning the three points mentioned above, set the target for the total amount of release, not only from emission gas but also from residues, at below 5[micro]g-TEQ/waste-ton. This includes how we change the system to decompose and reduce PCDDs/DFs because waste already has a PCDDs/DFs input load of approximately 50[micro]g-TEQ/waste-ton. In addition to respective measures to control sources, developing a harmony with the recycling cycle system and the environmental cycle control are also important because this control strategy is paying attention to the relationship between the environmental transfer of PCDDs/DFs and our industrial society.

Key words: PCDDs/PCDFs, municipal solid waste incineration, waste gas treatment, residue recycling, ambient air, total dioxin release, environmental cycle coutrol