Study on the Chemical Composition of Coal Fly Ash as a Raw Material for Artificial Zeolite

Masaru Meguro*, Junsuke Haruna**, Tamio Noda* and Tatuya Kanamaru*

* Nippon Steel Corporation Nagoya R & D Laboratories
** Japan Lubrisol Corporation

+ Correspondence should be addressed to Masaru Meguro Nippon Steel Corporation Nagoya R & D Laboratories:
(5-3, Tokai-Machi, Tokai-city, 476 japan)


Artificial zeolite (A.Z.) having a high cation exchange capacity (C.E.C) is formed by treating coal fly ash (fly ash), discharged from a coal-fueled power plant, with an alkali solution. This study was carried out to determine the chemical composition of fly ash suitable as a raw material for A.Z. and to establish the process conditions to form A.Z. having a high C.E.C. from fly ash. The results can be summarized as follows: (1) The C.E.C. of A.Z. depends on the non-crystalline Al2O3 content in flyash. (2) The C.E.C. of A.Z. and the non-crystalline Al2O3 content in fly ash increase as the content of Na2O+K2O and/or Al2O3 in the fly ash increase. (3) A.Z. with a the high C.E.C. is formed through the addition of a suitable Al resource in the process of treating fly ash with an alkali solution.

Key words: coal fly ash,chemical composition, alkali treatment, zeolite, cation exchange capacity