Research Activities on Waste Management in German Research Agencies

Kiyoshi Kawamura*, Masahiro Osako*, Ryouko Sugiyama** and Kazuo Kurihara**

* Department of Waste Management, National Institute of Public Health: Chief, Waste Management Planning Section
** Sugiyama & Kurihara Environment Office, Inc.

+ Correspondence should be addressed to Kiyoshi Kawamura:
(4-6-1 Shiroganedai, Minatoku, Tokyo 108-8638 Japan)


Current research activities on waste management in four research agencies in Germany are introduced based on site visits and interviews with researchers. These agencies include ifeu (Institut fur Energie-und Umweltforschung Heidelbelg GmbH), BIfA (GmbH Bayerisches Institut fur Abfallforschung), and Departments of Waste Management and Environmental Engineering in TUHH (Technische Universitat Hamburg-Harburg) . The administrative needs of Germany and Bayern State for research topics are recognized to a certain extent according to research topics at ifeu and BIfA. The Ecobalance concept (similar to LCA) and its approach are understood to be important with regard to waste management at both agencies. Some possible ideas and approaches, such as mechanical-biological pretreatment of solid wastes for landfilling and geochemical approaches to solid wastes treatment and disposal, are introduced in the Departments of Waste Management and Environmental Engineering at TUHH.

Key words: Germany, Bayern State, Research activities, mechanical-biological pretreatment, geochemical approach