Characteristics of Continuous CO Analyzers in Municipal Waste Incinerators

Noboru Tanikawa* and Kohei Urano**

* Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute for Waste Management,
** Laboratory of Safety and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University,

+ Correspondence should be addressed to Noboru Tanikawa:
(2, Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo, 135-0064 Japan)


Interference of 15 coexistent gases on the continuous CO analyzers with infrared absorption for the flue gas were investigated, and the measured values by the different types CO analyzers were compared at a municipal waste incinerator. CO2 and N2O interfered with the CO analyzers. Then, there was a difference of about 4 ppm between the measured values from the double beam IR CO analyzer and those from the single beam IR CO analyzer. In order to precisely measure low CO concentrations, it is necessary to correct the measured values from the CO analyzers by taking their characteristics and mean concentrations of CO2 and N2O concentrations in the flue gas.

Key words: CO, continuous analyzer, infrared absorption, municipal waste incineration