On the Waste Generation Rates of Building Demolition

Seiji Hashimoto* and Yutaka Terashima*

* Department of Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University

+ Correspondence should be addressed to Seiji Hashimoto:
(Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501 Japan)


Waste generation rates (WGRs: kg/m2, m3/m2) of building demolition waste were revised by re-examining and re-evaluating the existing ones. The two points considered were as follows: 1) to evaluate data reliability by analyzing the existing WGRs and to re-examine data through additional surveys , 2) to classify WGRs by analyzing their attributes. As a result, WGRs by building type (W, S, RC, SRC), use (Dwelling, Office, Other) and waste (combustibles, metals, concrete and total wastes) were set up with their statistical data. It was shown that WGRs of wooden building were reliable enough, but those of non-wooden buildings were not, and applications for the use of classified WGRs were outlined.

Key words: waste generation rate, construction waste, demolition waste