Developments in Separation/Recovery Technology for Papers and Plastics by Electrostatic Separation

Sadahiko Yokoyama*, Yukihiro Kiuchi* and Masatoshi Iji*

* Resources and Environment Protection Research Labs., NEC Corporation

+ Correspondence should be addressed to Sadahiko Yokoyama:
(4-1-1 Miyazaki Miyamae-ku Kawasaki-city Kanagawa 216-8555 Japan)


We have developed a separation/recovery method for papers and plastics from the mixture waste of them. This method consists of a moisturizing process that endows papers with conductivity, and an electrostatic separation process which separates the conductive papers from non-conductive plastics. In using this method, we were able to recover paper from a model waste: both paper recovery and content were more than 90wt%.

Key words: papers, plastics, separation, recovery, electrostatic separation