Appropriate Structural Code for Waste Disposal Sites

Masashi Kamon

Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
(Gokasho, Uji city, Kyoto 611-0011 Japan)


It is very important to establish an appropriate structural code for waste disposal sites in Japan. A new structural code was decided in 1998 by the Ministry of Public Welfare. It was an improvement over the last structural code with a fail-safe philosophy of design. The code officially introduced a double liners system with geomembranes. This new code, however, is still characterized by a lack of safety from a geotechnical point of view and should be improved still more compared with American and European Standards. The author points out the problems of the new code and evaluates the liner characteristics in inland and off-shore disposal sites by the advection and diffusion phenomena. An appropriate liner structure is proposed with the results of calculated liner functions.

Key words: liner, hydraulic conductivity, geomembrane, advection, diffusion