Study of Stabilization Technology for Granulated Slag from Waste Incineration Residue

Noriyuki Taniyama*, Yasunori Shibata*, Akira Yamamoto* and Syuichi Morioka*

* Kawasaki Heavy Industries, LTD.

+ Correspondence should be addressed to Noriyuki Taniyama:
(1-1, Kawasaki-cho, Akashi city, 673-8666 Japan)


In order to utilize the granulated slag from waste incineration residue as construction material, unprocessed slag and slag processed by the magnetic separation/crush/high pH hot water process have been tested for their quality and safety of application. The results are summarized as follows: (1) Unprocessed slag is not available, because it does not satisfy the standard on particle size, and its quality is inferior to that of river sand. Also, some unprocessed slag does not satisfy the environmental quality standard of soil by the Japan Environment Agency Notification No.46 on Pb alone. (2) Processed slag satisfies the fine aggregate standard for concrete and the screenings standard for asphalt, and its quality is equal to that of river sand. Processed slag also satisfies the environmental quality standard of soil for leaching rate of Pb. Therefore, processed slag is suitable for usage as construction material.

Key words: waste incineration residue, melting slag, hot water process, effectual usage