Development of Environmentally-Conscious Products (ECP) by NEC

Masayuki Saita

Environmental Management Division NEC Corporation
(7-1 Shiba 5-Chome Minato-Ku Tokyo 108-8001 Japan)


In order to preserve the global environment and to maintain sustainable development, manufacturers today are expected to build resource-recycling through their businesses, especially by producing environmentally-conscious products and by establishing recycling systems for their used products. At NEC we made a commitment in our Environmental Charter, published in 1991, that we would contribute to a sound environment through technology that harmonizes with nature and through production that is environmentally friendly. Recently we started the NEC self-declared eco-labeling scheme which we named "Eco-Symbol" , to promote our ECP development and to announce our environmental criteria to the public through our Internet homepage. Special mention should be made of the "Eco-Symbol" scheme and especially the environmentally-conscious PC, which was the first NEC product to be released with the "Eco-Symbol" mark.

Key words: eco-label, environmentally conscious product, product assessment, green procurement, LCA