Procedure of Japanese EIA Law and Some Remained Issues

Hideshi Kurasaka

Department of Policy Studies, Faculty of Law and Economics, Chiba University
(1-33 Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba 263-8522 Japan)


After the promulgation of the 1997 Japanese Environmental Impact Assessment Law, the government and the competent ministries and agencies had issued several ordinances and regulations for the law. On June 12, 1999, the law entered into force completely. By the day, all related ordinances and regulations had made public. In this paper, I will try to show you the complete procedures of the Japanese Environmental Impact Assessment Law, including minor procedures written in ordinances and regulations, focusing procedures which are new to Japanese EIA systems, such as screening and scoping. And I will make a short comment on relations between the procedure of the EIA law and that of the Waste Management Law.

Key words: the Environmental impact assessment law, screening, scoping, the waste management law