Economic Aspects of Recycling of Construction Waste

Eiji Hosoda

Keio University
(2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345 Japan)


Because landfill space for waste disposal is being exhausted, reduction in industrial waste is becoming been required socially necessary. Since the proportion of construction waste to the total industrial waste is nearly 20% and, furthermore, the proportion of the landfill of construction waste to total landfill is more than 40%, reduction of construction waste has been one of the biggest issues among waste disposal problems. The structure of the Japanese construction industry is rather complicated, and this is considered to be one of the reasons why recycling has not been promoted sufficiently so far and illegal disposal has often occurred. Economic aspects of recycling and disposal of construction waste were fully analyzed. Utilizing the results of the analysis, we will present some realistic proposals for this issue of management. We will emphasize the important role of the central and local governments this coordinator. They have an obligation to coordinate recycling and waste-disposal markets.

Key words: adverse selection, mixed construction waste, landfill, a vein industry, a comprehensive recycling plant