Construction and Demolition Waste: Where its Problems are and what Should be Done

Seiji Hashimoto* and Tadashi Ogura**

*Tropical Forest Kyoto
**Japan Tropical Forest Action Network

+ Correspondence should be addressed to Seiji Hashimoto:
(25 Kurotani-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-city 606-8331 Japan)


We discussed where the problems of construction and demolition (C & D) waste are and what should be done from the viewpoint of NGOs that have been engaged in deforestation issue. In the first half, we showed that C & D waste problems are not only problems at landfill sites but are also closely linked with those at raw material acquisition sites, and that both of them include problems of environment, human-rights and development. In the second half, we pointed out that prolonged use of existing constructions is the most important measure that should be taken and introduced some examples. We also discussed public support, which is necessary to promote the recycling of building demolition waste, and adoption of producers' responsibility.

Key words: construction waste, demolition waste, deforestation, prolonged use, producers' responsibility