Waste and Environmental Education - Learning

Hiroshi Takatsuki

Environment Preservation Center, Kyoto University, Professor
(Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501 Japan)


It is very important that we minimize the production of waste through promotion of environmental education and learning processes among citizens and the business sector. In this paper, the history of environmental education and related learning in Japan is presented as an over-view, and a recent report by the Central Environmental Council entitled "A direction for environmental education and learning" is explained. Subsequently varions means of promoting environmental education and learning concerning solid waste are discussed. Nowadays, the purpose of environmental education and learning is the establishment of a sustainable society. Environmental education and learning must also result in action for environmental preservation. In environmental education and learning concerning solid waste, it should be understood that reduction is more important than recycling. Experiential learning or workshop-style studies are effective in promoting action. Leadership training for education and the development of new learning programs will be required in the future.

Key words: waste reduction, environmental education and learning, leadership training, experiential learning