MSDS and Guidelines on Management of Chemical Substances

Masami Nishimura* and Takashi Koyari*

* Deputy Director/Chemical Management Policy Division/Basic Industry Bureau/Ministry of International Trade and Industry

+ Correspondence should be addressed to Masami Nishimura
(1-3-1 Kasumigaseki, Tiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8901 Japan)


In July, 1999 the "Law Concerning Reporting, etc. of Releases to the Environment of Specific Chemical Substances and Promoting Improvements in Their Management" was enacted. This law prescribes PRTR, MSDS, guidelines on the management of chemical substances, the responsibilities of businesses, measures to be taken by the state and local governments, etc. This chapter describes MSDS and guidelines on the management of chemical substances. Concretely, the content of "MSDS" is made up of an outline how MSDS was prepared details, and roles and duties, and the content of "guidelines on management of chemical substances" is made up of voluntary improvements by businesses in the management of specific chemical substances, a summary of the "guidelines on the management of chemical substances" , and low interest financing by bank of government.

Key words: PRTR, MSDS, guidelines on management of chemical substances, voluntary improvements by businesses, low-interest financing