Toward a Better Application of PRTR Data in Local Governments

Kazunori Watanabe

Chief Engineer, Chemicals Management Policy Section, Air & Water Quality Division, Environment & Agriculture Department, Kanagawa Prefectural Government
(1 Nihon-Odori, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-8588 Japan)


The PRTR Law is expected to play an important role in effectively decreasing the total amount of chemical substances released into the environment. The aims in properly implementing the PRTR Law on the local government level are as follows: (1) To improve the accuracy of measurements regarding emission and transfer amounts of chemical substances; (2) To encourage people to take an interest in the issue of chemical substances; (3) To evaluate the effectiveness of the PRTR through environmental monitoring and the like; (4) To train staff in developing the PRTR; and (5) To create an opportunity for the transmission of information in risk communication. In order to make good use of PRTR data and to reduce the chemical risk in cooperation with businesses, citizens and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the Kanagawa Prefectural Government is creating policies on the dissemination of the PRTR Law and the training of citizens and NGOs as community leaders in risk communication.

Key words: local governments, PRTR, risk communication